Project Information

This document provides an overview of the various documents and links that are part of this project's general information. All of this content is automatically generated by Maven on behalf of the project.


Document Description
Distribution Management This document provides informations on the distribution management of this project.
About Juffrou stands for Java Utilities Framework For the Rest Of Us and is a collection of useful classes or mini frameworks to help the java developer. Checkout the juffrou-reflect module if you are into performant java bean handling. There is also an xml marshaller / unmarshaller which is easy to use and has cool features like the Simplified Marshalling of nested beans.
Issue Tracking This is a link to the issue management system for this project. Issues (bugs, features, change requests) can be created and queried using this link.
Project License This is a link to the definitions of project licenses.
Project Team This document provides information on the members of this project. These are the individuals who have contributed to the project in one form or another.
Source Repository This is a link to the online source repository that can be viewed via a web browser.
Project Summary This document lists other related information of this project